Chef Victor, Zoey & Adam


Zoey, 5 years old

Adam, 3 years old

What’s the funniest thing your kiddos do?

V – My kids have become social butterflies and will introduce themselves to a crowd, “Hey everyone! I’m Zoey and this is my brother Adam! Nice to meet you. Hope your day is going well! Enjoy your coffee!”

What would you hope is their favorite thing about you as their dad?

V – How much I genuinely care and have a way of demonstrating how much I love them as much as possible. Lots of kisses and beard tickles. 

Ask them! What did they say?

Z – When you buy us toys and smile at us!

A – Jumping on the bed!

Any vacation aspirations?

V – My kids love going to Disneyland. I would love to visit all the different Disneyland’s all of the world with them someday.


Chef Polanco & Ilan


Ilan, 4 years old

What’s your favorite thing to do with your son?

P – To go on little trips, like to the zoo, museum, or aquarium. I also love falling asleep with his head on my chest as I hold his hand.

What is your son’s favorite thing about you, his dad? 

P – He tells me that I can fix anything, solve any problem. Often it’s nothing Google can’t fix, you know? And at this point in his life, he thinks I’m the strongest person in the world. 

What’s the funniest thing he does?

P – I mock him when he does things, and now he mocks me back. I’m so proud.

What’s something you’ve learned from him? 

P – Unconditional love. 

James, Marissa, Paola, Jean & Jamie


Marissa, 30 years old

Paola, 27 years old

Jean, 18 years old

Jamie, 16 years old

What’s your favorite thing to do with all your daughters?

J – Shopping

What do you think your girls would say about you?

J – That I’m the best dad in the world!

What’s would they say is their favorite thing about having you as a dad?

J – That I’m funny and crazy at the same time

What’s the funniest thing that they do?

J– Tell funny jokes!

Gregory & Finley

Gregory & Finley


Finley, 9 years old

What’s your favorite thing to do with your daughter?

G – Story time before bed. We always have amazing discussions about things in “her world” as well, which makes our bond even closer.

What’s the funniest thing your daughter does? 

G – She likes to eat apple sauce from a bowl without utensils.

What would you hope is your daughter’s favorite thing about you, her dad?

G – That I am always there for her when she needs me. 

What’s something you’ve learned from her? 

G – To think before I speak. I’m still learning that actually.